The Most Important Surfaces to Clean in Shared Office Spaces

Usually when you think of reasons to clean the office, it’s because a clean environment is more welcoming. While this is true, a clean office space also leads to fewer employee sick days, better morale around the office, and better concentration among employees. Nobody wants to come to work and worry that they’re picking up […]

How to Know You’re Obsessed with Cleaning

Keeping our homes clean is an important part of our daily and weekly schedules. A clean home reflects the value we place on our environment, our possessions, and ourselves, but sometimes, cleaning can become an obsessive task that stems from feelings of anxiety or fear. Are you obsessed with cleaning? And if so, how can […]

How to Clean Your House for the Holidays

Whether you love to clean or it’s your least favorite thing to do, having a clean house for the holidays is a must. It can feel daunting to ensure your whole house is ready to go for that holiday dinner or Christmas party, but it doesn’t have to happen all at once. Here are a […]

7 Holiday Cleaning Tips You Need to Know this Year

Tis the season for germs to travel widely as people come in and out of your home and office bringing glad tidings. With heavy foot traffic comes more coughs and sneezes and dirt and germs from shoes in shared spaces. The best gift you can give yourself and others this holiday season is keeping your […]

10 Cleaning Resolutions You Can Make (and Keep!) in 2022

If we’ve learned nothing else since the “roaring” (to a screeching halt) 2020s started, it’s that cleanliness legitimately makes the world go around. Thus, it makes complete sense to have a list of cleaning resolutions to turn in to routine rituals in 2022. Cleaning resolutions are not only doable (unlike you “go to the gym […]

50 Great Quotes About Cleaning

Cleaning is something everyone faces. Some of us enjoy this task as a way to unwind and destress, while others feel the act of cleaning the bane of their existence. No matter where you stand, enjoy these 50 quotes about cleaning that will offer some motivation, inspiration, and most importantly, humor. Quotes About Cleaning 1. […]

5 Reasons You Need to Clean Your Carpets and Rugs in 2022

Carpets and rugs are beautiful additions to any home. Carpets and rugs absorb noise. Carpets and rugs improve a space’s ambiance. Carpets and rugs tie rooms together. Carpets and rugs keep floors warm and comfy. They’re wonderful; however, carpets and rugs also absorb and retain dirt, debris, allergens, and tiny parasites called dust mites. This […]

The Best Winter Cleaning Tips You Haven’t Heard Yet

While spring owns the market on seasonal cleaning, it’s actually better to give your house a deep clean during winter. Why? Because people spend more time indoors, which causes more germs to accumulate. Also, dryer winter air leads to more dust and can cause more fire hazards within your home. The best winter cleaning tips […]

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